Grover, Sharon.

Listening to learn audiobooks supporting literacy / [electronic resource] : Sharon Grover, Lizette D. Hannegan. - Chicago : American Library Association, 2012. - xi, 188 p.

Includes bibliographical references and index.

How it all begins -- Why listen? -- Audiobooks and learning standards : overview -- Audiobooks and the primary grades, K-2 -- Audiobooks and the intermediate grades, 3-5 -- Audiobooks and middle school, grades 6-8 -- Audiobooks and high school, grades 9-12 -- Connecting it all : audiobooks, literacy, and instructional themes -- Technology innovation supports audiobook use -- Finding the best.

Electronic reproduction.
Palo Alto, Calif. :
Available via World Wide Web.
Access may be limited to ebrary affiliated libraries.

Reading--United States.
Literacy--Study and teaching--United States.
Educational technology.
Libraries--Special collections--Audiobooks.
School librarian participation in curriculum planning.
Children--Books and reading.

Electronic books.

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