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The torture papers : the road to Abu Ghraib / edited by Karen J. Greenberg, Joshua L. Dratel ; introduction by Anthony Lewis.

Contributor(s): Greenberg, Karen J | Dratel, Joshua L, 1957-.
Material type: materialTypeLabelBookPublisher: New York : Cambridge University Press, 2005Description: 1 online resource (xxxiv, 1249 pages) : illustrations.Content type: text Media type: computer Carrier type: online resourceISBN: 0511109954; 9780511109959; 0511109644; 9780511109645; 0521853249; 9780521853248; 9780511511127; 0511511124; 6610416389; 9786610416387.Subject(s): Abu Ghraib Prison | Abu Ghraib (Prison) | Abu Ghraib Prison | Iraq War (2003-2011) | Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Prisoners and prisons, American | Iraq War, 2003-2011 -- Atrocities | Torture -- Iraq | Political prisoners -- Iraq | Guerre en Irak, 2003- -- Prisonniers et prisons des Américains | Guerre en Irak, 2003- -- Atrocités | Torture -- Irak | Prisonniers politiques -- Irak | HISTORY | Atrocities | Political prisoners | Torture | Iraq | Krijgsgevangenen | Martelen | Irakkrieg | Folter | Politischer Gefangener | USA | TORTURE AND OTHER CRUEL TREATMENT | PRISONER TREATMENT | MILITARY ACTIVITY | IRAQ | FOREIGN POLICY | UNITED STATES | Krijgsgevangenen | Martelen | 2003-2011 | United States | Prisoners | Prisoners of war | Torture | Military interrogation | Prisons | Legal standing | Official records | Liability | Iraq | Afghanistan | Guantanamo Bay | Overseas item | International law | Civil & human rights | Politics & governmentGenre/Form: Electronic books.Additional physical formats: Print version:: Torture papers.DDC classification: 973.931 Other classification: 86.81 | ML 6300 | MD 8900 | PR 2210 Online resources: EBSCOhost
Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; From Fear to Torture; The Legal Narrative; Timeline; Missing Documents; Biographical Sketches; Memoranda; Reports; Sworn Statements; Statements on 16 Jan 2004; The Mikolashek Report; The Schlesinger Report; The Fay-Jones Report; American Bar Association Report to the House of Delegates; Afterword; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Appendix D; Index.
Summary: The Torture Papers document the so-called 'torture memos' and reports which US government officials wrote to prepare the way for, and to document, coercive interrogation and torture in Afghanistan, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib. The Papers document materials that prior to publication have existed only piecemeal in the public domain.
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Includes bibliographical references and index.

Cover; Half-title; Title; Copyright; Contents; Acknowledgments; Introduction; From Fear to Torture; The Legal Narrative; Timeline; Missing Documents; Biographical Sketches; Memoranda; Reports; Sworn Statements; Statements on 16 Jan 2004; The Mikolashek Report; The Schlesinger Report; The Fay-Jones Report; American Bar Association Report to the House of Delegates; Afterword; Appendix A; Appendix B; Appendix C; Appendix D; Index.

The Torture Papers document the so-called 'torture memos' and reports which US government officials wrote to prepare the way for, and to document, coercive interrogation and torture in Afghanistan, Guantanamo, and Abu Ghraib. The Papers document materials that prior to publication have existed only piecemeal in the public domain.

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