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1. Different places, different voices [electronic resource] : gender and development in Africa, Asia, and Latin America / edited by Janet Henshall Momsen and Vivian Kinnaird.

by Momsen, Janet Henshall | Kinnaird, Vivian, 1962- | ebrary, Inc.

Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London ; New York : Routledge, 1993Online access: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view Availability: Items available for loan: AUN Main Library (1).

2. Gender mainstreaming in poverty eradication and the millennium development goals [electronic resource] : a handbook for policy-makers and other stakeholders / Naila Kabeer.

by Kabeer, Naila | Canadian International Development Agency | Commonwealth Secretariat | International Development Research Centre (Canada) | ebrary, Inc.

Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: London : Ottawa : Commonwealth Secretariat : International Development research Centre, c2003Online access: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view Availability: Items available for loan: AUN Main Library (1).

3. Lugar preponderante del g�enero en la erradicaci�on de la pobreza y las metas de desarrollo del milenio [electronic resource] / Naila Kabeer.

by Kabeer, Naila | Canadian International Development Agency | Commonwealth Secretariat | International Development Research Centre (Canada) | ebrary, Inc.

Edition: 1. ed.Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: [Colonia San Rafael, M�exico] : Ottawa [Ont.] : Plaza y Vald�es : Centro Internacional de Investigaciones para el Desarrollo, 2006Online access: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view Availability: Items available for loan: AUN Main Library (1).

4. Int�egration de la dimension genre �a la lutte contre la pauvret�e et objectifs du Mill�enaire pour le d�eveloppement [electronic resource] : manuel �a l'intention des instances de d�ecision et d'intervention / Naila Kabeer ; traduction de l'anglais par Catherine Ego.

by Kabeer, Naila | International Development Research Centre (Canada) | ebrary, Inc.

Material type: book Book; Format: electronic available online remote; Literary form: Not fiction Publisher: Qu�ebec : Paris : Ottawa : Presses de l'Universti�e Laval ; L'Harmattan ; Centre de recherches pour le d�eveloppement international, [2005]Online access: An electronic book accessible through the World Wide Web; click to view Availability: Items available for loan: AUN Main Library (1).

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